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Coffee Hour with Beat

Never bet against America.

Several times in recent history I have heard quite a few people from other parts of the globe say that they have been convinced that after a period of political divide and pandemic that the ‘American Dream’ is no longer achievable.

However, it is my belief that America has always and continues to have the ability to come back from adversity by changing course and then being able to prosper again. One does not have to be a historian to see how many times the United States has come back from disaster. I imagine England felt that America had lost all power after the civil war. And again, after the great depression in the 1930s, others talked about the end of the United States’ economic power. And yet again after the global financial crisis in 2008, the end of the US capitalist system was declared. All of those predictions were wrong.

There is no question that the past year has been filled with hardships from our health to the economy and everything in between. While traveling to Europe last year, I was on flights that were more than 90% empty. On a few of those flights, with a capacity of well over 300 passengers, I was amongst just a handful of regular travelers. At one point I arrived in Zurich, Switzerland where all the stores, restaurants, and offices were closed, and I walked through the airport without seeing one other person.

We are blessed to live in Florida, where even during the Pandemic, family barbecues, going to the beach and many more outdoor activities were possible. And while following the rules and recommendations outlined

by the CDC and government, Avalon Park Group was fortunate to be able to keep our business activities in full swing. In fact, many at APG have expressed that we never worked as hard as we have during the past year of the pandemic. Now, with much of the population vaccinated, we are starting to see a shift back to normalcy for much of the rest of the country and the world. And just in time to enjoy the summer months. The airports in the US are starting to be full again, with planes packed to the last seat with business and personal travelers. The theme parks and other Florida attractions are getting busier by the day. It is also great to get back to the gym and see friends and neighbors at local stores and restaurants. All of these are great for Floridians, great for the economy, and great for America.

While we were able to celebrate the 4th of July together with fireworks last year, I am happy to say that we will be able to celebrate with even more activity this 4th of July as a country and as a community! As we continue to overcome the challenges presented by Covid-19, we can start getting back in the community. I remain proud to live in this free and great country.

Have a great summer!

Beat Kahli


Read the full publication:

Avalon Park Sun


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